Hello Everyone,
Today I am reviewing Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. Please note that I will spoil some things in the book, so I suggest reading the book before reading this review. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
REVIEW: The cast of characters like in any of Cassandra
Clare’s books are utterly compelling and you get attached to them almost right
away. In Clockwork Angel there is an induced a sense of
old-world glamour that was Victorian London. I appreciate all of the work
Cassandra Clare put into this theme, having researched this era for years in
order to write this book. I thank her for spending the time to do this, as it
made the book spectacular.
Tessa Grey is the character who is newly introduced into the
Shaddowhunter world. Her personality reflects one of a proper lady in the
1800s: well-mannered, gracious, courteous, deferential, modest and kind. It was
a wonderful experience to watch her evolve throughout the novel into a courageous
and stronger person, one who was willing to put her life on the line to protect
those who she cares most about. I am awaiting the further books in order to see
if she continues her quick witted verbal remarks and comments whilst also
learning to use weaponry to defend herself.
Herondale is the Institutes scoundrel with a credible heart of gold. As well
as being very handsome, he is cold, sarcastic and distressed – although the
reader is able to get a small glimpse of his passionate, softer and kind
personality. He is absolutely hilarious, half of my favourite quotes from the
book are from his character. It was nice to see that Casandra Clare has
continued to add humour throughout her novels. Jem Carstairs on the other hand
is caring, warm and understanding – yet has been burdened with a heartbreaking
circumstance. He is a pure example of being inflicted with cruelty and
brutality. What I loved about Jem, as well as other characters in this novel
was that they each had some form of secret or curse which made them into the
character that they are.
What makes Cassandra Clares books so successful is that
her stories never revolve solely on just one female and male lead.
This is to illustrate that there is more going on than just romance within her
world. There is always a large cast of characters that contribute to the plot,
and the way in which they act gives other characters further complexity and
The plot to Clockwork Angel is thrilling, marvellous and
hilarious. With just enough twist and turns, the novel is spectacular. The
combination in which Cassandra Clare has composed – including the quests within
the Victorian period is just amazing. The way in which she has presented this
story is perfect, having both being character and plot driven, both done
marvellously well. With all the characters
Cassandra introduces, never once was I lost. Each character has their own story
to tell, and with the ending of Clockwork Angel, I found myself flipping
through the extra blank pages just to make sure there wasn't more of the
story. I eagerly await reading the next instalment to the series: Clockwork Prince and am happy to say that this series
has made a very good first impression.
Five Stars
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